Instructions to authors

Instructions to authors

Please, read carefully all these sections before submitting your manuscript. The Editor may reject your submission if your manuscript does not follow the instructions below. Download a PDF of our manuscript instructions here. 

To publish with AJAL, all Argentinian authors or half of them in a multi-authored article must be members of a teacher association (TA) linked to FAAPI by the time the submission is made. If you are the sole author of the manuscript submitted, please ensure that you have become a member of a TA before submitting your manuscript. Make sure that your contribution, even when based on a local context and issue, reaches an international readership.

International authors who are the sole authors of the manuscript submitted do not need to be part of a TA in Argentina for publishing with AJAL. If you are an international author and your manuscript is co-authored by an Argentinian author, please ensure that the latter is a member of a TA linked to FAAPI. The Editors will ensure that each issue has a balanced representation of Argentinian and international authors.

AJAL does not accept articles authored by more than four authors.

Ethics and copyright

By submitting your manuscript to AJAL, you confirm that you have read and followed all instructions to authors. You confirm that it is an original manuscript whose authorship belongs to you and that it has not been published previously or under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submitting your manuscript you also confirm that all potential conflicts of interest have been taken care of successfully and that your manuscript does follow strict ethical procedures such as data protection, anonymity, consent forms from participants, permissions from published materials or any third parties. Please download the author form which you then must complete and submit together with your manuscript.

Once your article is accepted, you should authorise AJAL to reproduce the full text on AJAL website. This will imply filling in a publication license form to be indicated by the editor. If you wish to use the article again in a publication written or edited by you, you may do so provided that its original publication in AJAL is acknowledged.

Types of manuscripts you may submit

Original research article: this is a manuscript which reports the outcomes of your own research. It usually includes sections such as introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, conclusions and implications, and references. Length: between 5,000 and 7,000 words (including tables and graphs, without references and appendices).

Literature review/state-of-the-art article: this is a critical review of the literature on a particular theme of interest to AJAL. Sections may vary but authors are encouraged to include conclusions which promote reflection and suggestions for further research. The article should contain a minimum of 30 quality references. Length: between 3,000 and 5,000 words (including tables and graphs, without references).

Reflective article: this is an article based on theoretical underpinnings. It includes description, analysis, and evaluation of a specific topic or issue. Length: between 2,000 and 3,000 words (including tables and graphs, without references).

Interview-based article: this is an article which consists of an interview with a specialist on a specific field within applied linguistics and it includes a framework of reference and concluding remarks. Length: between 3,000 and 4,500 words (including tables and graphs, without references).

Classroom activities: this is an article which describes strategies, techniques, or activities which could be applied to the EFL classroom. The Editors will favour those which are the product of your own creation and/or adaptation and that you may have tried. The manuscript should be highly practical with clear instructions, and direct classroom application or implementation. Length: between 1,000 and 3,500 words (including tables, without references and appendices).

Classroom account: this is a narrative article based on personal classroom experiences such as projects, materials development, or other special systematic undertakings. Length: between 1,000 and 3,500 words (including tables, without references and appendices).

Materials review: this is a review of a book, software, website, or any other resource of relevance to AJAL readers. Length: between 600 and 1,500 words. Before submitting your manuscript, please contact our editors at to discuss the material you wish to review.

Academic event report: this is the report of a conference or a symposium which has taken place in Latin America and which is relevant to AJAL readers. Length: between 600 and 1,500 words. Before submitting your manuscript, please contact our editors at to discuss the event on which you would like to report.

What to submit and how

1. You must submit the following documents:
Author form.
Complete manuscript in Word format (including tables and figures).
If applicable, you must submit tables and figures as separate files: submit tables as Word documents and figures/illustrations in TIFF format.
2. With the exception of materials reviews, all other submissions (documents in #1 above) must be sent to
3. Materials reviews (documents in #1 above apply here too) should be sent to

What happens once you submit your manuscript

1. You will receive an email acknowledging receipt in around 4 days.
2. We expect to return to you with the evaluators’ comments in around 40-60 days.
3. If your manuscript is accepted with minor changes, you will be expected to resubmit your manuscript in 15 days.
4. If your manuscript is considered for ‘revise and resubmit’ (major corrections), you will be expected to resubmit your manuscript according to a time frame agreed with the editor.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cuáles son los fines de FAAPI?

  1. a) Fomentar el perfeccionamiento de los profesores de Inglés y bregar por la constante superación y actualización en lo que respecta a planes de estudio, programas y métodos de enseñanza de la especialidad en todos los niveles.
  2. b) Gestionar ante las autoridades competentes la sanción de leyes, reglamentos y resoluciones que establezcan o actualicen normas para el ejercicio de la profesión.
  3. c) Estrechar vínculos entre los profesores de Inglés y las instituciones educativas y culturales argentinas y extranjeras, que propendan a la difusión de la lengua inglesa y el mejoramiento de su enseñanza.
  4. d) Fomentar la amistad y la solidaridad entre las Asociaciones que agrupa.

¿Cómo me asocio a FAAPI?

No existe una membresía directa a FAAPI. Al ser socio de una Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Argentina que pertenezca a FAAPI, ya formás parte de FAAPI.
¿Existen varias Asociaciones de Profesores de Inglés (APIs) en Argentina?
Así es. Pueden ver el listado de las mismas aquí.


¿Cómo me asocio a una API afiliada a FAAPI?

Cada API tiene sus requisitos para asociarse como así también diferentes categorías de socios. Para saber más, te aconsejamos visitar el sitio web de la API de tu zona. Se puede acceder a un listado de APIs con sus respectivos hipervínculos en el link mencionado en la Pregunta anterior.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de pertenecer a una Asociación de Profesores de Inglés?

Cada Asociación brinda distintos beneficios a sus asociados. En general, los mismos se refieren al desarrollo académico-profesional a través de aranceles preferenciales a eventos como la inscripción al Congreso Anual de FAAPI y otro tipo de eventos como jornadas, webinars, cursos etc. que organiza FAAPI. También acceso sin cargo a eventos como jornadas, webinars, cursos etc. organizados por la asociación de pertenencia u otras asociaciones de profesores de inglés que hacen extensivo el beneficio. Pertenecer a una API afiliada a FAAPI también te da el derecho a acceder a una membresía a IATEFL con descuento y la posibilidad de participar en proyectos de carácter internacional como el actual PRELIM.

Algunas asociaciones cuentan con bolsas de trabajo exclusiva para socios, nómina online de socios, newsletters, descuentos ofrecidos por instituciones de distinto tipo, como mutuales médicas o cadenas de hoteles. 

Las asociaciones también cuentan con distintos canales de comunicación para mantener actualizados a los asociados en cuanto a las ofertas de desarrollo profesional ofrecidas en Argentina y en el extranjero.

Y, por supuesto, asociarte a tu API regional incrementa tu sentido de pertenencia, como asimismo hace crecer y fortalece nuestra querida comunidad de ELT.

¿Quién organiza el Congreso anual de FAAPI y cómo se eligen las sedes del mismo?

- En general, con dos años de antelación las Asociaciones de Profesores de Inglés que pertenecen a FAAPI se pueden postular para la organización del Congreso Anual. La misma es aceptada por las demás Asociaciones en la Asamblea General Ordinaria. Como Federación, nuestra intención es permitir que el Congreso se realice en una sede diferente cada año para garantizar nuestra naturaleza federal. De esta forma, todas las asociaciones tienen esta posibilidad, con los beneficios que ello representa para su zona de influencia. Esto obviamente, con el apoyo y la guía permanente de FAAPI.


Te responderemos a la brevedad

27 de Abril 370, Piso 2

X5000KLB Córdoba, Argentina

Personería Jurídica 133 “F” (1984) - Pcia. de Córdoba

ISSN 2314-1735