Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics


Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics

AJAL is an international, fully refereed, open-access e-journal led by FAAPI (Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Profesores de Inglés). It is a publication for teachers, trainers and researchers interested in sharing their expertise, experience and concerns in the fields of Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching.

AJAL welcomes original research articles, state-of- the-art articles, literature reviews, materials reviews and classroom accounts which focus on practical aspects.

The editors of AJAL are supported by an Editorial Board whose members may referee submissions. Other anonymous referees, whose names are published once a year, are appointed as specialized reviewers. Their decisions are based upon the relevance, clarity and value of the manuscripts submitted.

Submissions could be accepted, accepted with modifications or rejected. Reviewers’ decisions are final and are not subject to re-evaluation.